5 Ways to Save Your Time at Work
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    5 Ways to Save Your Time at Work

    Posted on October 26, 2021

    Time is something crucial in everyone’s life. The morning rushes, working in the office, an evening commute – we all sit down at night wondering we could have had more time in the day. But, this issue of lack of time, which we think is unavoidable could be easily avoided, if we think properly about our time management.

    Whenever you see that you’re losing time, simply make few changes in your working life so that you can be a bit more productive, successful and less stressed at your work.

    Here are few handy tips that can actually help you save a lot of time in your daily working day. Just a take look at these points and add them in your daily life to manage your time effectively.

    1.    Have a Plan for the Day

    Try to start your day well. Make a weekly plan on Friday and work on a daily plan too. This would help you start your working day sharp at 9 am with an idea of what you’ll be doing in the day. Prioritize your daily work, so that you finish each task within the assigned time frame.

    2.    Unsubscribe Irrelevant Emails

    Take some time in the day and unsubscribe to irrelevant newsletters or any team email groups. Set up filters so that emails for different team members go into specific folders. This way, you can actually save a lot of time without sifting through irrelevant emails at work.

    3.    The 10-minute Weekly Diary

    Do you keep losing time? But, not sure where? Then try this 10-minute diary for a week. In a diary, print a table with two columns across. One for the managing the time and another one for explaining what you’re working on. Now after every 10 minutes, quickly scribble down what you’re working on.

    This would give you an idea about your tasks and keep you on track. Keeping a diary will help you see where the problem is, for example – if you spend 30 minutes chatting with your colleagues or spending an hour on phone, all this will be tracked in your diary.

    4.    Define Your Role at Meetings

    You should always define your role at office meetings, so that you can avoid pointless meetings through the day. Make sure you just participate for key elements that are relevant to you and your job.

    If you’re arranging the meeting, then inform your employees what to prepare, what will be the agenda of the meeting, and how long will it last. This would help your invitees store any questions for the end of the meetings.

    5.    Sharing is Caring

    If you get a new project, decide when you’ll do it or if you don’t have enough time then delegate it to an able team member, who is well suited for the work. As a manager, you should learn how to delegate work to your team and colleagues. If you delegate your work, it will help you save time and don’t have to work on something you didn’t need to doing.

    Every day, take out some time to reflect on what you did in the day. If there’s anything else to add to your tomorrow’s to-do list, do it at the end of your day. This would help your following day start as clean, productive, and uncluttered as the previous day did.


    Author: Anvesha Sharma


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