7 Things you should NOT do at Shared Office Spaces
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    7 Things you should NOT do at Shared Office Spaces

    Posted on March 25, 2019

    Being a part of the shared office space community comes with a lot of responsibilities. We agree humans are supposed to be fallible but at the same time, the activities in many shared offices has just gotten way out of hand. Unfortunately, many people aren’t even aware of their offensive behavior or they simply don’t care.
    To cope up with the bad behavior, here are a few things that you should avoid doing at the shared workplace to make sure you are being respectful of others.

    Take Dramatic Personal Phone Calls

    Receiving nasty calls doesn’t mean you have to make it a public affair. Your workplace is not a place to fight with your closed ones, make it private. Step out of your desk area to go in a private zone. At Avanta, there is an open space created at its shared office space in Gurgaon for the clients to take their personal clients. Make sure your service provider has such kind of space.

    Come to the Office When You Are Sick

    In shared spaces, people sit very close to each other and hence it is not advised to come to the office when you are suffering from any flu or infectious disease. Your dedication to your job is worth appreciating but don’t prove it by exposing your coworkers to your flu. Better work from home if you can, but don’t bring your germs into an otherwise healthy workplace.

    No Interaction at All

    Shared workplaces are meant to network with other like-minded individuals. If you isolate yourself it only irritates and demotivates the people around. Engage in conversation with people and share your thoughts so people see you as a contributor.

    Contribute to Noise

    The shared office places are generally in huge spaces where a little noise can cause a lot of distraction. If you play music without earphones it will most likely disturb your neighbours in a tight cubicle environment. Be a responsible coworker and maintain silence.

    Yell at Anyone

    At times, things can get frustrating especially when you are loaded with a lot of work. Instead of yelling at someone like a child, harness your inner adult and remain calm and rational to get the problem solved. Shouting at someone will not help at all.

    Wear Too Much Perfume

    Everyone likes to smell good and you need to know that in an enclosed environment manufactured fragrance can irritate some but headache and hay fever inducing to others. So, avoid wearing loud perfumes rather invest good quality soothing mists that will keep you fresh and neutral.

    Make Your Personal Life the Office Hot Topic

    Every one of us has feelings but learning to control when and where those feelings are expressed is key. Not everyone is interested to hear about your relationship drama. If something serious happens like a death in the family or divorce it is worth telling your boss and not everyone else.
    No one denies that changing yourself is not an easy task but applying these habits in your daily life will make a lot of difference in your work life. You will be a no more an annoying office mate rather a lovable buddy.


    Author: Anvesha Sharma


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