Looking at the state of Indian realty retrospectively

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Looking at the state of Indian realty retrospectivelyOverview

Hindustan Times, 22 Dec 2018: In com­mer­cial and re­tail real es­tate, tra­di­tional phys­i­cal for­mats of brick and mor­tar is giv­ing way to think new strate­gies and raise the qual­ity of ex­pe­ri­ence. Co-work­ing is the new of­fice for­mat that is trend­ing. Ac­cord­ing to Nakul Mathur MD Avan­ta Busi­ness Cen­tre-, “Look­ing at In­dia, with 34% of the coun­try’s pop­u­la­tion within the age bracket of 18–35 years, it is this de­mo­graphic group, or In­dian mil­len­ni­als that al­ready are, and will con­tinue to drive the con­sump­tion story across sec­tors, in­clud­ing real es­tate. Co work­ing is the an­swer to mil­len­ni­als in­her­ent need for mo­bil­ity, con­nec­tiv­ity and tech-en­abled work­ing spa­ces, plug and play and flex­i­ble of­fice space.” Lo­gis­tics and ware­hous­ing seg­ment have regis­tered growth on ac­count of agrowing e-com­ce sec­tor in the coun­try.

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