Why demand for coworking spaces continues to grow in Delhi
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    Why demand for coworking spaces continues to grow in Delhi

    Posted on April 15, 2021

    Below mentioned are some points that explain that demand for coworking spaces continue to grow in Delhi.

    • It is a guaranteed workspace: As quiet as a cafe might be, nobody is going to reserve a table for you so that you can work there every day; and even if you find a table, it might not be close to a power outlet. In a coworking space, on the other hand, you choose the spot at which you would like to work every day. You also select the days and hours that you would like to work there. At your desk – which will always be the same one – you will always have access to a power outlet to connect all the various devices you may be using.
    • Guaranteed Wi-Fi connection: While it is true that there are cafes that offer a good Wi-Fi connection, most do not ensure good bandwidth, and there also won’t be anyone around to solve any technical problems which may arise. And, of course, the security of the information you are transmitting and receiving is not guaranteed either.
    • Security: Coworking spaces in Delhi are monitored or provide you with the ability to leave your things unattended for a while without having to worry about being robbed. You will have access to a locker or have personalized access with a card. Otherwise, there will be someone monitoring the people entering and leaving (usual people who work there and who are in the same situation as yourself – making it unlikely that they would consider robbing you).
    • You are not required to purchase anything: you will need to pay rent for the coworking space in Delhi, but you won’t need to be ordering a coffee every hour like you would have to at a cafe to spend 4 to 6 hours working there. A restaurant probably wouldn’t force you to buy a coffee every hour, but they are businesses, and nobody likes to be taken advantage of. In a coworking space in Delhi, you can drink a coffee or any other beverage whenever you feel like it, and only because you do feel like it.
    • Quiet: Coworking spaces in Delhi are quiet. People usually speak softly in order not to disturb each other. But on the other hand, there will be people moving in cafes, coming in, going out, talking loudly on the phone which you cannot control or stop.
    • Networking: Another advantage of this type of shared workspace is that you will be surrounded by professionals with whom you can network, collaborate or exchange ideas. These spaces are ideal for meeting people who work in the same field as yourself, which can be difficult and often awkward to accomplish at a cafe.
    • Rooms for holding meetings and other events: Another thing that cafes cannot offer is a place to hold important meetings with your clients. While cafes can often be comfortable places, they are not always private or quiet enough. On the other hand, coworking spaces offer rooms for holding meetings – most of the time at no extra cost.

      Coworking spaces in Delhi are great alternatives for start-ups, small businesses, solopreneurs building their business. For more details call on +91 11 30446402


    Author: Anvesha Sharma


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