The most happening place for employees of any company is its pantry area. It is not just about feeding your appetite during the tea and lunch breaks but, it is the podium of companionship, coordination and understanding with the colleagues. It is the place where they share their jokes, pranks and watercooler moments to weave a bond that grows strong over the years.
To provide your employees with such a space means good coordination and understanding among them resulting in high productivity, confidence and innovation. These three characteristics are the keywords for any venture to be successful. Avanta’s business centres in Delhi and Gurgaon offer a happening pantry area that offers high-end kitchen gadgets with a trendy seating arrangement.
All the five business centres of Avanta boasts of a pantry area that consists of a microwave, coffee/tea machine, water dispenser, dish washer and a refrigerator which is always full of goodies. The pantry also consists of all the crockery required to have an organized way of having lunch together. There is also a LCD television in each pantry area for entertainment.
Pantry area – 500 sq ft
The colourful environment of the pantry adds to the ambience of sitting and chatting together.
Apple’s MAC system in the pantry adds to the wow factor.
Pantry area: 259 sq ft
It is the only Centre of Avanta to have a Café Coffee Day machine installed for tea and coffee, otherwise, it is Lavazza everywhere else.
Pantry area: 708 sq ft
The pantry here resembles more like a food court of a mall with a lavish display area of food.
No other pantry of any business centre matches its ambience.
Pantry area: 155 sq ft
This centre is located next to the popular select city mall of the capital with all the popular eating joints nearby.
The pantry area of this centre is calm and colourful.
We have four floors here and all the floors have a dedicated pantry of their own.
Fourth floor being the main one has a huge space of 387 sq ft.